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The Penguin Project


Empowering Children with Special Needs Through Theater

The saying goes....”If it plays in Peoria, it will play anywhere!”
Well, it has played in Peoria and it’s entering its 18th year.
But this is not your typical theater production...

After an initial production of The Penguin Project was held in Peoria, Illinois in 2004, The Penguin Project Foundation was created in 2007 to assist other communities in developing their own Penguin Projects.  There is a comprehensive special needs.  There are currently 53 replication sites or “chapters” in these 22 states around the country:  Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin, and now, for the first time this year, New Jersey.  MTC’s Chapter is the first one in our Garden State!  Here are the specifics:

Bios - submit your bio here for the Program Book

Ads - Purchase an Ad for the Program Book or Become a Partner 


No charge to participate in 2025

Who:    Cast (‘Actors’):  Neurodiverse Children between the ages of 10 and 21

            Cast (‘Mentors’):  Neurotypical Children between the ages of 10 and 21

            Staff:  Special Education Teachers with Musical Theater experience and MTC Staff

            Director Sue Maurer (Moorestown HS), Vocal Director Jaclyn Valenziano, & Choreographer Stacy Brophy


What:  Aladdin JR. (Annie JR. in April ’23 and Seussical JR. in May ’24 were our first two Penguin Project productions.)


When:  Info. / Planning Meetings (for Parents & Students):  Sun., Jan. 12 (12 - 2 PM) Or Tue., Jan. 14 (4:30 - 5:30 PM)

Rehearsals:  Tue. & Thu. (4:30 to 6:30 PM, starting Tue., Jan. 21), & Sun. (12 to 2 PM, starting Sun., Jan. 26)

   Tuesdays (11):   Jan. 21 & 28, Feb. 4, 11, 18, & 25, Mar. 4, 11, 18, & 25, Apr. 1

   Thursdays (11):  Jan. 23 & 30, Feb. 6, 13, 20, & 27, Mar. 6, 13, 20, & 27, Apr. 3

   Sundays (10):     Jan. 26, Feb. 2, 9, 16, & 23, Mar. 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30

            Tech Week:  Sun., Apr. 6 (12 to 4 PM), Mon., Apr. 7, Tue., Apr. 8, Wed., Apr. 9 (4 to 8 PM)

            Shows (3):  Thu., Apr. 10 @ 6 PM, Fri., Apr. 11 @ 7 PM, & Sun., April 13 @ 2 PM (& if needed, Mon., Apr. 14 @ 6 PM)


Where:  All Meetings, Rehearsals, & Shows are at First United Methodist Church, 446 E. Camden Avenue, Moorestown


Why (Goals Of The Penguin Project):

  1. To provide an opportunity for neurodiverse children to develop creative skills related to the theater arts

  2. To identify the impact of a community theater experience on the communication skills, socialization, and self-confidence / self-esteem of neurodiverse children

  3. To provide an opportunity for neurodiverse children to participate in a community theater experience

  4. To facilitate interaction between neurodiverse children and their neurotypical, age-level peers through joint participation in a community theater experience

  5. To facilitate an appreciation of the challenges faced by neurodiverse children and their families 

  6. To facilitate interaction among medical, developmental, educational, and theater professionals through participation in a common community project

  7. To provide a forum for support and interaction for families of neurodiverse children


For more information, please call MTC at 856 / 778-8357 and speak to Producing Artistic Director Mark Morgan.

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