Main Stage
Production Information:
This is an All-ages show. Cast members 12 years old and under must have a family member on stage with them.
Performance Dates: First Methodist Church, 446 E Camden Ave., Moorestown
Wednesday, 7/17, 7 PM - "Black" Cast
Thursday, 7/18, 7 PM - "Gold" Cast
Friday, 7/19, 7 PM - "Black" Cast
Saturday, 7/20, 2 PM - "Gold" Cast
Sunday, 7/21, 2 PM - "Black" Cast
Tuesday, 7/23, 7 PM - "Gold" Cast
Wednesday, 7/24, 7 PM - "Black" Cast
Thursday, 7/25, 7 PM - "Gold" Cast
Production Team:
Director: Mark Morgan
Vocal Director: Mark Pinzur
Choreographer: Lizi Baldwin
Costume Designer: Thom Sirkot
Bios - submit your bio here for the Program Book
Ads - Purchase an Ad for the Program Book or Become a Partner
ORCHESTRA MEMBERS - Register here:
Please complete these four steps to be a part of this production
Print an Audition Form, attach a small picture and bring it with you to your audition
Join our text messaging system: To 81010, Text @24-ms
Audition Songs:
Character Song
Tevye: "If I Were a Rich Man" - mm. 52 to end
Golde: "Do You Love Me?"
Tzeitel and Chava: "Matchmaker" - mm. 1-50
Hodel: "Far From the Home I Love" - mm. 1-46
Perchik: "Now I Have Everything" - mm. 1-29, 39-50
Motel: "Miracle of Miracles" - mm. 5-38
Lazar Wolf: "To Life" - mm 1-63
Grandma Tzeitel: "The Dream" - mm.1-34
Fruma Sarah: "The Dream" - mm.92-106, 124-138
All others: "Tradition" - (Papas) mm. 64-79; (Mamas) mm. 82-98; (Sons) mm.101-116; (Daughters) mm.119-131D
Tente: Should sing the part for the Mamas; her part in "The Rumor" is more spoken than sung.
Audition Dates and Times:
MTC Performing Arts Studio, 5 W. Main Street, Moorestown, NJ 08057
Monday, April 8, 7:30 to 10:00 PM (Held)
Thursday, April 18, 7:00 to 10:00 PM
Sunday, April 21, 3:00 to 6:00 PM
Thursday, April 25, 7:15 to 10:00 PM
If you can't attend any of these four auditions in person, please email your audition video of you both singing and reading to Info@MoorestownTheaterCompany.org by Saturday, April 13.
Rehearsals (These are subject to change)
MTC Performing Arts Studio, 5 W. Main Street, Moorestown, NJ 08057
Dance - Thursdays (starting May 2) @ First Methodist Church, 7 or 7:30 to 10 PM
Music - Mondays (starting May 6) @ MTC Main Street Studio, 6:45 to 9:45 PM
Block - Tuesdays (starting May 7) @ First Methodist Church, 6:45 to 10 PM
D & M - Saturdays (starting May 4) @ MTC Main Street Studio, 9 AM to 12 Noon
All rehearsals will be added to and updated on the Calendar on the MTC Website so, please mark these dates, which will be listed as MS (for Main Stage) on your calendars! Please check the Calendar for updates as to who is called at what times at each rehearsal.